Softball Pitching and Catching Academy

Date(s) - 10/15/2020
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Jeremy Manley Pitching Academy

Ball State Coach Jeremy Manley will offer a rare six-week academy for pitchers and catchers in 6th grade and lower.* Now in his second year as Assistant Coach at Ball State, Manley has been successfully coaching collegiate athletes for more than five years.

Prior to coaching, Manley was a World Champion fastpitch softball pitcher, leading the New Zealand Men’s National Team, also known as the Black Sox, to the International Softball Federation Men’s Fastpitch World Series title in 2013. For his efforts in the circle, Manley earned the Kevin Herlihy Memorial Trophy for Most Valuable Pitcher, the only individual honor awarded at the event.

This six-week, one-hour class will be held on Thursdays at 6:30 p.m. from Oct 21-Nov 18. Total cost is $185 and includes a 5 Tool shirt.

Click here to register a pitcher.

Click here to register a catcher.